Elias Kikilias

General Manager

Elias Kikilias

General Manager


Dr. Elias Kikilias, holding a Ph.D. degree in economics, is the General Manager at the Institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (INSETE). He is also a Research Director at the National Centre for Social Research of Greece.

Dr. Kikilias was the Governor of the Manpower Employment Organization of Greece (OAED – Public Employment Service), a public agency with 8,000 employees and an annual budget of 3.5 billion euros, from December 2009 to April 2013. In the near past, he has been acted as Director General of the Greek National Institute of Labour and Chairman and CEO of Human Resources Support Services SA, subsidiary to Ministry of Labour. He has considerable experience in research planning, management and implementation and he has acted as a research and project coordinator on several occasions, member of numerous national and European level committees on policy design and planning, editor and co-editor of books and author of numerous articles. He has also been acted as commissioned Professor at the Graduate School of Public Administration, commissioned visiting Professor at the postgraduate course at the Panteion University of Athens and visiting scholar and visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge, UK.  He participated in numerous committees and high-level expert groups in Greece and abroad, including the “Employment Committee” and the “Social Protection Committee” of the Council of the European Union and the Management Board of the CEDEFOP, a European agency.