Andreas Koutoupis

Professor of Financial Accounting & Risk Based Auditing
University of Thessaly, Greece
andreas koutoupis

Andreas Koutoupis

Professor of Financial Accounting & Risk Based Auditing
University of Thessaly, Greece


Dr. Andreas G. Koutoupis BSc (Honors), MSc, PhD, CMIIA, CIA, CICA,CCSA, CRMA, CCS, Associate Professor of Financial Accounting & Auditing

Dr. Andreas G. Koutoupis is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors of KnR Governance, Risk, Compliance & Internal Audit Services and Founder– Owner of KPS Business Consultants. Before KnR and KPS he served for 10years as a Director, Head of Mazars, Athens – Greece Governance, Risk &Internal Audit Services. Before join Mazars he served as a Senior Manager within the Internal Audit Services department of Price water house Coopers, Athens – Greece responsible for the Financial Services (mainly banking)Internal Audit Assurance & Consulting Services for more than ten years. Hewas involved in Governance, Risk & Internal Audit related assignments inmore than 200 organizations the last 23 years in all industries (Banking,Manufacturing, Retail, Insurance, Services, publicly listed enterprises, etc.) in19 countries (Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro,Albania, Turkey, FYROM, Great Britain, Ukraine, Poland, The Netherlands,Denmark, Hungary, Slovenia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone & Guinea). He is also acting as a Professional Trainer for more than ten years presented Corporate Governance, Business Risk Management and Internal Audit related topics in 23 countries including Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Albania,Turkey, FYROM, Great Britain, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ukraine, Poland,United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Malaysia, China, Pakistan, Thailand,Singapore, Egypt and Nigeria. Andreas Koutoupis is an Associate Professor of Financial Accounting and Auditing in the University of Thessaly (Accounting and Finance department). He is also an Adjunct Lecturer of Accounting and Auditing in the Piraeus University, University of the Aegean, University of Western Attica and University of Western Macedonia. He is also lecturing in the Greek (Hellenic) Open University, International Hellenic University, IESEG University, Paris-France & the National Centre of Public Administration in Athens, Greece. He has been awarded a BSc in Public Administration with a distinction (Panteion University, Athens, Greece), an MSc in Internal Auditing and Management (Cass Business School, City University, London-UK) and a PhD in Corporate Governance and Internal Controls with a distinction (Panteion University, Athens, Greece). He is a Chartered Internal Auditor (CMIIA), Certified InternalAuditor (CIA), Certified Internal Controls Auditor (CICA), Certified in ControlSelf Assessment (CCSA), Certified in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA)and Certified Controls Specialist (CCS). Andreas Koutoupis is an InternalQuality Assessment validator of the International Institute of Internal Auditors. He holds an ‘A’ class Greek Accounting & Tax License (being ableto sign Financial Statements for any type of organization) by the Economic Chamber of Greece.
In 2005, he received the Michael J. Barett award by the International Institute of Internal Auditors, while in April 2006 he received a PhD Colloquium award (Cass Business School) for distinctive performance by the IIA-Italy. He was nominated for several other awards for his academic performance and professional work. His academic work includes publications of papers andarticles with respect to Accounting, Corporate Governance, Enterprise RiskManagement, Internal Controls and Internal Auditing in well known journals(one of them is ABS Rating Grade 3, Sixteen of them is ABS Rating Grade 2and twentytwo of them are ABS Rating Grade 1), conferences, professionalmagazines and economic newspapers. He is an Editorial Review BoardMember of the Journal of Governance and Regulation (Virtus Interpress -ISSN: 2220 – 9352: ABS Rating 1) and the International Journal ofOrganizational Analysis (Emerald – ISSN: 1934 – 8835: ABS Rating 1) and the International Journal of Auditing and Accounting Studies (Arf India). In 2014The IIA Research Foundation published an Academic Research (Koutoupis etal.) entitled Internal Audit Around the World: A perspective on Global Regions. Recently, he has awarded a Best Paper Award in 2018 from the Journal of Governance and Regulation.He is a member of the International Institute of Internal Auditors (also served for three years as a member of the Academic Relations Committee), The Institute of Internal Auditors – UK and Ireland, The Greek Institute of Internal Auditors (served as a member of the Board of Directors for eight years), The Institute for Internal Controls (acting as the contact person in charge in Greece and Cyprus responsible for CICA & CCS Professional Qualifications), The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), The Association of Greek Fraud Examiners (HACFE) and the Economic Chamber of Greece (served as a member of the General Assembly for nine years). He is also the General Secretary of the Board of Directors of Greek Investors, a member of the Corporate Governance Committee of the Athens Stock Exchange, as well as a team member for the Greek Council of Corporate Governance, a member in the Greek – Cyprus Investment Cooperation Committee. He has also served as a member of the Professional Skills Recognition Committee of the Greek Ministry of Education (2011-2014). Finally, Andreas Koutoupis is an Independent – Non Executive Member of theBoard of Directors of Nomisma -The leading innovative digital as set ecosystem, BoD Member and Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Greek publicly listed firms Loulis Mills S.A., Kordellos Brothers S.A., Karamolegkos, Evrofarma and Livanis S.A., Chairman of the Audit Committee of CooperativeBank of Central Macedonia, AEGEK Construction S.A., Vioter S.A., Lanakam S.A. and the Cooperative Insurance Company of Northern Greece Public Coaches, as well as member in several Greek Public Hospital Audit Committees according to the Greek Law 4025 / 2011. Andreas is also a member of the BoD the Audit Committee of Iktinos SA. He was also a member of the BoD and Chairman of the Audit Committee of FF Group, Chairman of the Audit Committee of IASO Group and member of the BoD of the non publicly listed firm Qivos, while he was acting as an Observer in both Audit & Risk Committees of Alpha Bank-Greece from 2013-2016